And Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Round grey and black compass

“And lead us not into temptation,”

Matthew 6.13


Think about it!


The above phrase is what we commonly call the “Lord’s Prayer.”  It was to be an example of things we should pray about.


How true, and how needful! “…lead us not into temptation,”


Sure, we all face testing and difficulty.  And yes, the Lord does test us and try us, to see how we will react -  but we can still pray, “…lead us not into temptation,”.


The Name of the LORD is . . .

Brick Castle on Body of Water

“The name of the LORD is a strong tower:”

Proverbs 18:10


When I read this verse a while ago it struck me as a picture…


So I tried to draw the picture… The name of the LORD is a strong tower.


He Heareth The Prayer of The Righteous

Person hands on holy bible

“he heareth the prayer of the righteous”

Proverbs 15.29b


Do we ever pray, and it feels like our prayers just bounce off of the ceiling?  Are there times we pray and it doesn’t feel like we are praying?  Do sometimes we pray and forget that we have prayed?


As normal people we often go around and around with something as abstract as prayer but - for those who are saved, and living “right” God always hears their prayers and is ready to answer according to His will.


Speaking to Yourselves...

Gray bridge and trees

“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,

singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;”

Ephesians 5:19




We need good, godly music around us!  Many of us are not musicians, and whether we can “hold a tune”, whether we can sing well or not might be debated, but the fact is we need good, godly music – the Bible say so!


Who Shall Separate Us...?

Four people standing on cliff in front of sun

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?”

Romans 8.35


Wow, what a question!  “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?”  Is it a trick question?  I mean:  There could be some “one” or some “thing” that could separate us from the love of Christ, right?


Maybe the Devil.  Maybe ungodly leaders or bad people.  Maybe trouble or hard times.  Maybe there is something we don’t know about yet that could separate us from the love of Christ!


“Maybe...?”  Yeah?  Well, “maybe” NOTHING!


He Did It With All His Heart, and Prospered

Woman using her laptop

“And in every work that he began

in the service of the house of God, and in the law,

and in the commandments, to seek his God,

he did it with all his heart, and prospered.”

2 Chronicles 31:21


Your Adversary

man's hand in shallow focus and grayscale photography

“...your adversary the devil...”

1 Peter 5.8


I’m not your enemy... the devil is.


Do you ever feel like you are trying to help someone, but they are resisting everything you are trying to do?


You feel you’re giving good advice, and you’re setting a good example, but it’s not appreciated - instead you’re being treated like you are “the enemy”?


Then you feel like saying, “Hey! I’m not your enemy... the devil is!”


A Very Present Help In Trouble

Trees in Park

“God is our refuge and strength,

a very present help in trouble”

Psalm 46.1


Trouble!  Often people go through life just waiting for the next disaster!  It should not be so for the born again Christian!  Better to choose our fight and choose our struggle.


Let Thine Eyes Look Right On

Brown White Owl

“Let thine eyes look right on…”

Proverbs 4:25-27


Let thine eyes look right on,

and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.

Ponder the path of thy feet,

and let all thy ways be established.

Turn not

to the right hand nor to the left:

remove thy foot from evil.

Proverbs 4:25-27


It Is Appointed Unto Men Once To Die

Concrete Cross Under Clouds

“…it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment…”

Hebrews 9.27


The pastor of a Baptist church was in the hospital with a terminal illness.  He had spent many years serving the Lord, visiting people who were sick and dying, and now he said to the younger pastor sitting with him, “It’s one thing to sit on that side of the hospital bed, it’s another to be the one in the hospital bed facing death.”

