Speaking to Yourselves...

Gray bridge and trees

“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,

singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;”

Ephesians 5:19




We need good, godly music around us!  Many of us are not musicians, and whether we can “hold a tune”, whether we can sing well or not might be debated, but the fact is we need good, godly music – the Bible say so!


We can pray for God to give us good music.  We need to be discerning when it comes to music – it was created by God to bless us and draw us closer to Him!  But most of the music today, even “Christian music” is in conflict with our spirit and mind because it appeals to our body.


Remember Music is made up of three major parts: melody, harmony, and rhythm.

Melody - The melody is the main tune of a song and usually the top line of music.  The word "melody" means "to praise God."


Harmony - Harmony is that which appeals to our soul or mental processes.  It is usually known as the alto, tenor, and bass.  Harmony is always to come second place to the melody and never override it.


Rhythm/Timing - Rhythm is the beat, the timing that appeals to the body.  In and of itself rhythm is not a bad thing.  Our heart beats in rhythm; we walk in rhythm.  But when the rhythm IS the music - above the melody and harmony - then it changes the music, it becomes music that is NOT making melody in our hearts to the Lord.


The Bible is full of examples of the blessing of music.  Let’s pray that God gives us good, godly music so that we can… Speak to ourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, and sing and make melodies in our hearts to the Lord!