A Very Present Help In Trouble

Trees in Park

“God is our refuge and strength,

a very present help in trouble”

Psalm 46.1


Trouble!  Often people go through life just waiting for the next disaster!  It should not be so for the born again Christian!  Better to choose our fight and choose our struggle.


Better to choose the struggle of reading our Bible daily – it is a struggle!  Better to choose the struggle of praying faithfully – that we “enter not into temptation”. (Matthew 26.41)  Temptation is a great “trouble” and we should be prepared - it comes of its own accord!


Trouble.  It is common to this world, and it is common to the Christian life.  The difference for the Christian is that we can often choose our struggle and be better prepared for the trouble.


A person who does not know the Lord very well, who does not choose to exercise with the Lord daily, diligently reading His Word, who does not choose to “workout” in the gymnasium of prayer – will not easily find scriptures like the one above; and will struggle more than necessary.  The Apostle Paul reminds us, “But refuse profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.”


Grab a King James Bible, a pen and a notebook – set some time aside, read awhile, make a note of verses that are a blessing.  Write them out.  Pray through things that come to mind.  Bless the Lord, thank the Lord and enjoy a good “workout” with the Lord.  You won’t be disappointed!

