Thy Kingdom Come

“...and giveth it to whomsoever he will. ” - Daniel 4.25

Speaking of God’s power over all of the earth the Book of Daniel makes it clear to us that all the kings and leaders of this world are there because of His will – He does allow man to rule himself... sadly though, man’s “self-rule” without the help of the Creator is a path to self-destruction.

Which is why we can, and must pray, Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth,” Matthew 6.10

There are some things about our world and the kingdom of God we do not completely understand yet.  The Bible does not tell us exactly when the Lord will return for His saints, for them to be “caught up... in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air”, and then to set up His kingdom seven years later when He comes again to “stand” on the earth.  The Bible does not tell us exactly why the world is often ruled by wicked men and corrupt governments.

But there are some things we do know:  The Lord will return and stand upon the earth.  The Lord Jesus Christ will establish His kingdom here on the earth.  While ungodly people continue to get more proud and more godless – God is with His own.  He will never leave them nor forsake them.

So we can be faithful and we can know that the Lord has control over all of His creation and whoever He allows to rule – we can trust Him and we can pray for them and we can pray... Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth,”

If you have any questions regarding these, or other, spiritual matters, please feel free to ask. (1 Thessalonians 4.13-18, Job 19.25-27, Hebrews 13.5)


Run with patience,