“So the people of Nineveh believed God”

Jonah 3.5

I find myself often saying, “Thank the Lord for the Lord!”  I think what I mean by that is that when I fail – God does not!

We can see this from Jonah’s life (chapter  1).

  1. Jonah failed to have compassion.
  2. Jonah failed to get away (from God)
  3. Jonah failed to “get his money’s worth”.
  4. Jonah failed to really rest.
  5. Jonah failed to “fess up” – he did not confess until he had to
  6. Jonah failed to hide his faith – there are no secret believers.
  7. Jonah failed to hide his sin.
  8. Jonah failed to convince his companions (of anything, at first)
  9. Jonah failed to see his companions come to fear the LORD.
  10. Jonah failed to... drown!  (Isn’t that one crazy?!  Thank the Lord for the Lord!!!)

Ever feel like a failure?  Ever choose to run from God?

Thank the Lord for the Lord!  When I fail – God does not!  (There are many scriptures regarding the truths below!)

  1. God does not fail to have compassion – when we don’t.
  2. God does not fail to come reach sinners – when we run from sinners.
  3. God does not fail to give all – though we are worthless.
  4. God does not fail to give rest – we are heavy laden.
  5. God does not fail to tell us the truth – we need it.
  6. God does not fail to share His faith – He is the Author of it.
  7. God did not fail did to become sin for us – and He is  our hope.
  8. God does not fail to care for us – and He calls us “friends”.
  9. God does not fail to teach us the fear of the Lord – Amen
  10. God does not fail to save the “drowning doubter”- Jonah, Peter, or just the doubter – Thomas!

So the people of Nineveh believed God

When I fail – God does not!  Thank the Lord for the Lord!