“…he hath destroyed his places of the assembly…”

Lamentations 2:6

I read this verse… Wednesday morning the 18th of March 2020… the morning we were told to avoid groups of more than 100 people indoors, and in America, groups of 10!  Everything has been affected, including churches. 

Would we miss it if we couldn’t go to church?  If there was a ban on people "assembling" to worship?

Here in the book of Lamentations (the “book of weeping”) these people who claimed to know the true LORD God Almighty lost their place of worship, because they had misused the house of God and neglected God.

Through this pandemic, and when it is over, may we value our church like never before!  Why?  Because it should be the place we meet together to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. 

Where we sing praises to our God.  Where we hear preaching from the Bible that encourages, challenges and even convicts us.  Where we fellowship together with other believers.   

It’s been said that places where people find comfort are empty, the cinemas and restaurants..!  May people find that to be in a Bible-believing church assembly is more of a spiritual comfort than any other place.

In the mean time, as a born again Christian, we should be humble, compassionate and offering hope…It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23