Whose daughter are you?

Whose daughter are you?  (Sorry fellas – but it is Mother’s Day!)


Yes, we all have an earthly mother.  We should honour her and love her in Christ, but the above verse is directing our thinking to spiritual matters when it says that you – if you are a born again Christian woman – are a daughter of... Sarah?


Yes, and that is interesting.  From the Bible we see several things about Sarah.  The one that stands out to me all the time is that whenever she is mentioned in the Book of Genesis it involves some sort of controversy or issue that none of us today would want to be involved in!  Yet she is named in the Hebrews 11 “Hall of Faith”, and honoured throughout scripture.


Why?  Because she stood with her husband and she protected her home.  She knew what was hers and she knew God had given it to her – and nobody was going to change that!


whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well,

and are not afraid with any amazement.” 


We all do well to know where we stand with God.  We all do well to know our place of safety, influence and blessing.  We do well when we walk with God and trust Him so that we are not “amazed”, or alarmed, no matter what God allows, or brings, into our lives – yes, and this even applies to us men!


We thank the Lord for the Mothers of Valley Baptist Church who seek to walk with God and to be “daughters” of Sarah.      Happy Mother’s Day!    Pastor