Times of Service

10.30am Sunday Morning

5.30pm Sunday Evening

7.00pm Wednesday Evening


Posted: Friday, December 15, 2023 - 8:18pm

Romans 10:1

Does your heart ever ache for someone to be saved?

“…my heart's desire and prayer to God for

(fill in the blank) is,

that they might be saved.”

Keep praying for the words to say and scripture to share!

Keep saying that you care!

May we be sensitive to God leading us in what to do and say:

Listen.  Truly and honestly listen!  Care.  Be Kind.  Be Honest and be Truthful.

Posted: Thursday, December 7, 2023 - 8:52pm

Psalm 90.14

Over the next few weeks people will be looking for some sort of satisfaction.

That is not a bad thing – the verse above speaks of being satisfied.  The tricky thing is how people will go looking for satisfaction.

Posted: Saturday, December 2, 2023 - 9:08am

Psalm 119.11

One word!


One word!

Or two or three or…

“Thy word have I hid…”

“Every word of God is pure” Proverbs 30.5

“Thy word have I hid in mine heart” Psalms 119:11

“Thy word is truth…”  John 17.17

Never so few words… could have such power!

Listen carefully…  Listen very carefully…

…never… could so few words… have… such… power…

Posted: Friday, November 24, 2023 - 11:36am

Mark 11:17

“ye have made it…”

God’s House.   This was the Temple in Bible times, today it is the local church, see 1 Timothy 3.15.

Jesus is talking to people who made a business out of what they did at the Temple, which was mainly selling animals for sacrifices, and money exchange.  It was their business and often dishonest and corrupt.
