Then Lot chose


“Then Lot chose…” - Genesis 13.11


“Then Lot chose…”


When we read about this man named Lot in the Old Testament we have to wonder if he even knew the Lord.  His life was certainly filled with some selfish, sad, and shameful episodes – yet the New Testament calls him a saved man in 2 Peter 2.7-8, “just Lot …  vexed his righteous soul…”  The word “just” and “righteous” both mean, “righteous, observing divine laws”.


Saved, but sad… bad… choices “Then Lot chose…”


Lot’s poor choices affected his wife, because reading about her life it could easily be said, “then Lot’s wife chose…”



And Lot’s poor choices affected his daughters, because it could also be said of them, “then Lot’s children chose…”


All of this happened over the course of several years, Genesis chapters 13 – 19, (approximately 20 yrs.)  And it has become a lesson for us -  “they are written for our admonition” (1 Corinthians 10.11)  And even Joshua would have known of Lot’s choices when he said, “choose you this day whom ye will serve… as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24.15)


“Then Lot chose…”  What choices are we making?  How are they affecting those around us?


Run with patience,

Pastor Tottingham