...quiet from fear...

Woman in peace

“...quiet from fear...”

Proverbs 1.33


“Knock knock.”  “Who’s there?”  “Fear!”  When was the last time “Fear” knocked on our door?  Who did we send to answer?  Was it Fear’s best mate, Worry?  Or Fear’s brother, Self-Centered?  The next time Fear knocks on our door let’s send this “quiet” little verse to answer the door!

“But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely,

and shall be quiet from fear of evil.”


In this verse we see the importance of wisdom, the wisdom of the Word of God.


”whoso hearkeneth unto me...”  We don’t use the word “hearkeneth” today but its meaning is understood from the context:  It means to “hear intelligently, with attention and obedience”.


“shall dwell safely...”  Then we are given the promise of having God’s protection.  We “dwell” with Him!  He is in our homes and we should enjoy being in His house!  God is able to protect us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  He gives us His Word - andkeeps our thinking straight!


“and shall be quiet from fear of evil.”  Shhh… be quiet from Fear!


Many things will cause us stress and worry and fear if we listen to them, if we “hearken” to them.  But here is a promise:  When we give our attention to the Bible, to the wisdom of the Bible, God will protect us and give us a quiet life away from fear.  So, let’s “hearken” to the Word of God in our own personal, daily walk with God, and also as a family, and a church!  READ IT!  LIVE IT!  SHARE IT!  Then we can “dwell safely, and... be quiet from fear of evil.”


Run with patience,
