"He that walked with wise men"

husband and wife holding babies hand while walking

“He that walked with wise men shall be wise:

but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”

Proverbs 13:20

Who have we been walking with lately?  Who have we been spending time with?  Who have we been talking to – more importantly – who have we been listening to? 

We must be careful about the company we keep because companions of fools will be destroyed… 

We have all heard of homes being destroyed by drunkenness, gambling, adultery, poor spending habits and many other things that snare and destroy. How often do these things come about because of the company kept, the so-called “friends” or the people we hang out with?

We need to remember, “He that walked with wise men shall be wise:” and be careful when choosing our friends and who we follow on social media, and what we like and look at.  They definitely will influence our thinking and that of our family.  We will be known by the company that we keep.  We will become like those that we “companions” with.  May we work to have the following words said of us:  “…they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus.” Acts 14:13      

Run with patience,
