Gracious Words

“…gracious words…” - Luke 4.22


The Bible tells us that Jesus spoke “gracious words”.  That means Jesus spoke words that were acceptable, beneficial, joyful and, or thankful… “gracious words”!


“And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words

which proceeded out of his mouth.”


There are a few things the Lord shows me from this:


·         It is no surprise that the people “wondered at the gracious words” because the Bible never specifically says that anyone else ever spoke “gracious words”!


·         I really need to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ!


“…gracious words…”




Are my words gracious?  Are they acceptable to the Lord, and can people understand and learn from them?  Are my words and conversations beneficial to the people around me?  Do the things I talk about display the joy of the Lord that should be in me?  Are my words thankful?


“…gracious words…”

