David ... Behaved Himself Wisely:

“And David went out withersoever Saul sent him and behaved himself wisely:” - 1 Samuel 18:1

I think the way David acted in 1 Samuel 18 - when everything was going well – would affect the way he acted throughout the rest of 1 Samuel – when things went sour!

David behaved wisely.

We ought to be known for “behaving ourselves wisely.”

Whether people agree with us, or not, whether they want to have anything to do with us, or not, we should simply - “behave ourselves wisely.”

We should often think of Daniel too, “Daniel was preferred above the princes, because an excellent spirit was in him;” Daniel 6:3

As Christians we ought to be known for our excellent spirit.  Both David and Daniel faced difficult situations.  David faced the jealousy and conniving of rebellious and jealous king Saul.  Daniel faced the trickery and manipulation of those he worked with.  Both stood above these things by behaving themselves wisely and having an excellent spirit.

These are attributes we ought to have in our lives. We ought to nurture them every day - in ourselves and in our homes.  The world is already full of bored, complaining, families, “the -world –owes-me” sort of people.

I refuse to join their ranks!  God has done too much for me!  I owe it to Him to be known for behaving myself wisely and having an excellent spirit in all things!

Run with patience,
Pastor Tottingham