Be servant of all

And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. ” Mark 10.44


“How do you know if you are a servant...?  By how you react when someone treats you like one!”


I’m not sure who said it, but that is very true!


I remember a few times I didn’t like the way someone was treating me!  They were probably treating me like “some sort of servant”.


And the Lord used those times to teach me that being a servant is a very high and blessed calling in God’s Book.  In fact He came to take on himself the form of a servant!  In fact it was the mindset He had!

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus... made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant...”


The best thing for our mind is to think like a servant, to serve others.  Serve the Lord – first, then serve others around us.


As the Holidays approach, it is time to show the world who we are, servants of the Lord Jesus Christ! 


So, How do I know if I am a servant?  How do I react when someone treats me like one?


Run with patience,
