. . . After The Pattern

Top view of valley near body of water

“According to all that I shew thee after the pattern…”

Exodus 25:9


People will soon be looking at what they want for Christmas.  Online, in the shops, the “junk mail” – so many things trying to “show us” what we want.  God also has blessings that He is trying to show us… “According to all that I shew thee after the pattern…” and what He shows us is settled in heaven!


I thank the Lord that I am a Christian. I am so glad that I have been born again, that I have received the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour.  I am a child of the King!  He has put a new song in my heart.  I am allowed – I am even encouraged - to speak to my Heavenly Father crying, “Abba, Father”.


I look forward to my heavenly home!  For now, I am here in this world, but I have peace and I have plenty, I am loved and I can love, without conditions, “no strings attached”.  I thank the Lord that I am a Christian!  There is so much for me to have and all that I have is so much better than all that this world has to offer!


What God gives me does not disappoint.  It does not break or tarnish.  It does not wear away.  It never makes me ill.  It cannot be taken away.  I have peace and rest.  I have God’s joy and love.  And so much more!  How do I know all of this?  Because - I found the “pattern” of how to have it all - in the Word of God.  What are you looking for?  Where will you find it?


Run with patience,
