“…my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.”

Romans 10:1

Does your heart ever ache for someone to be saved?

“…my heart's desire and prayer to God for

(fill in the blank) is,

that they might be saved.”

Keep praying for the words to say and scripture to share!

Keep saying that you care!

May we be sensitive to God leading us in what to do and say:

Listen.  Truly and honestly listen!  Care.  Be Kind.  Be Honest and be Truthful.

Share verses about Salvation.  Give a Gospel tract/Scripture brochure…

Invite to church.  Invite for a meal.  Invite to trust Christ as their Saviour.


Keep praying!

Keep saying!

“…my heart's desire and prayer to God for

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is, that they might be saved.”