“…but Asaph made a sound with cymbals…”

(1 Chronicles 16:5)

I love this verse!  I just absolutely love it!

It’s kind of like in these long lists of people in the book of 1 Chronicles, in these lists of all the things that these people did – and there are a lot of people and they were doing a lot of things (and I realize that this is now probably a ‘run-on’ sentence)… so everyone was doing everything and all of that “…but Asaph made a sound with cymbals…”


I love it!  He did one thing very well… KABANG!

He had something to add to what was going on… KABANG!

He was probably a quiet and mild-mannered person… KABANG!

There are actually some other verses here in 1 Chronicles that tell us that Asaph did do quite a few other things in his service to the Lord, and there were other people who played the cymbals but in the above verse we are told… “Asaph made a sound with cymbals…”


It was a sound that was in unison, it was not an uncertain sound.  Here we are told that Asaph did one thing and he obviously did it well!

So, what are we doing?

Lots of things but none of them well?

Or are we doing that one thing at a time that God gives us to do?  And are we doing it well?  Amen… “Asaph made a sound with cymbals…”  and I’m thinking about joining the orchestra!!!


(Two young ladies from our church are in Jerusalem at the moment and I’m wondering if they can get some cymbals and go to the temple mount and just go for it with those cymbals…)